illumy is a NEW service and FREE app that combines email, instant messaging, group chat, calling, and more to securely and privately connect and communicate with friends and family. illumy is the worlds first email messenger for a truly unified inbox. Your illumy account can be accessed via your iPhone, iPad, or computer using a web browser.
Email is better on illumy! Create an account and set up your new illumy email address. Send & receive email with anybody around the world and see your conversations in a thread, like text or IM.
Instant messaging thats fast, feature rich, and fun. Share messages with your friends or acquaintances. Enjoy an immersive, media-rich experience with emojis, giphys, videos, photos, file sharing, and more. Plus, you can edit, delete, or flag messages as needed.
Chat with up to 100 people at once. Invite your parents, coworkers, weekend squad, sports team, club, or other group to message together and chat about anything. Save time by posting photos and sharing in one place. Coordinate with a group for your next meetup. Owners can manage their groups and easily add and remove group members using group settings. Even include people outside of illumy by using their email.
High-definition voice calling between illumy users anywhere in the world. Encrypted and secure VoIP calling from end-to-end. Dispense with expensive long distance calling and start voice calling in HD on illumy.
Contacts like youve never seen before! Enter regular contacts or get connected to see the power of new smart contacts that are always up to date. No more wondering if you have the right phone number or email address for your contacts. Connect with best friends, friends, and acquaintances. Share your profile with them—and you can decide who can see which piece of your contact info using permissions.
The ultimate cloud syncd service that allows you to access your messages on all of your phones, tablets, and computers at once. illumy works as a standalone app so you dont need to backup. Just sign in and get all of your messages and content. Works on any device across Mac, Windows, and iOS.
Maintain total ownership of your personal information. Choose who to connect with and what to share. Deleted messages are gone forever. Youre in control. illumy is all about protecting you.
No pop-up ads. No banners. No ads showing up in your messages. Your personal data is kept private and secure—just you and your contacts chatting and sharing like youve always wanted.
Communicate with anyone, anywhere, anytime, on or off illumy. All you need is an internet connection, and you’re ready to rock—with no fees.
illumy continues to get better and better with each release, and we look forward to bringing you more capability in the future. Join the illumy better together revolution!
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*Data charges may apply.